2 min readApr 28, 2021



7 years of your funny little quirks and your expressive little face.. The world’s biggest smile and the world’s kindest heart. It’s not been an easy ride for him; he’s watched his mummy be seriously ill, he’s moved schools, and homes, we’ve learnt this year that he has ASD, ADHD and severe dyslexia; learning is more than a challenge for him. But at parent’s evening this week I cried tears of joy hearing his teacher tell me what an utter joy he is to have in their classroom. Hearing that he is so kind and so caring; that he’s the diplomat amongst his peers, that he is fair, that he understands right from wrong and he stands up for right from wrong. He’s loved by staff and pupils alike, everyone knows who he is; and for all the right reasons. We all think our own children are the best; it’s our prerogative as a parent, but to hear these words from another professional, after a difficult year of lockdown home schooling, social isolation, shielding and getting his diagnosis, I honestly could not have been more proud. He thinks so differently to so many of us, he might find reading and writing and maths difficult, but these things we can teach him and navigate our way around. To know his heart is pure and that kindness runs through his veins is something that cannot be taught; something that means so much more to me, as his mum, than any spelling test or school exam ever will. He excels in sport, he’s obsessed with rules, he loves facts about science, history and the news; but most wonderfully of all, he knows how to love with all of his heart. He is so smart, and he will thrive in life. He IS thriving; not in a way we usually measure a 7 year old at school, but in a way we simply measure a human – he’s HAPPY, he’s HEALTHY, he LOVES and he is LOVED. I couldn’t ask for more.

He was born 7 weeks early to save MY life, and for that I owe him everything. To the little boy who genuinely believes that every day is ‘the best day of my life’, the little boy who fiercely protects his little sister and his mummy always, the little boy who thinks ‘forever’ is ‘exactly one hundred days’, the little boy who refers to his birthday as ‘May of the two’; I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. I wish more people saw the world through your innocent eyes, with the same ability to find love in almost everything and everyone.

Celebrating you today, and every day for the rest of my life, my beautiful blue eyed boy 💙




From one mother to another. Winging mum life single handedly. Mum of ASD/autism Invisible disabilities advocate. Lupus. Mental health. Coffee. Gin. Love.